English at UEMTN
At UEMTN, students learn English from preschool years. English as a core subject becomes the language to teach other contents such as Science, Social Studies, History and Business Management. The aim is to develop and enhance our students' receptive, productive and interactive skills at the same time they become more knowledgeable and open-minded.
UEMTN students take two external examinations during their upper EGB school years: ELASH I, in 8th grade; and ELASH II, in 10th grade. These exams are administered by the College Board, which is the institution that manages SAT exams as well. The constant feedback and the opportunity to measure our students' development, provide a basis for senior years preparation which is subject to continuous improvement in planning and teaching-learning strategies.
UEMTN has also implemented the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in addition to the National Curriculum. As a requirement for or Bilingual Graduation Diploma, all students take English B HL (higher level) course. This standard requirement guarantees that our students can attend university in any English-speaking country with confidence and enthusiasm. At the moment of graduation, students are fluent users of English, able to communicate and interact accurately and effectively.